Medieval Fun & Games

Your beautiful maiden is ready to take your child & her guests to the enchanting renaissance era. Not to worry if you have invited boys AND girls. She always includes everyone in whatever she does!
She brings a sound system to play beautiful children's music, as well as all types of fun game props so she can play royal interactive musical games. Prizes are included for up to 35 children!
Examples of games that may be included:
Collecting moss rocks for the princess garden
Magical bubbles race
Princesses and knights horse race
Sword fights with balloon swords
Building a castle (2 teams race to build a structure)
Breaking down the walls (slingshot beanbag to cans)
Princess feast (teams transfer plates from one side to the other as fast as possible)
Catching rainbows (using nets, they catch colorful balls)
1 hour: $550
1.5 hours: $799
2 hours: $950